Here’s to the movers, shakers and mischief-makers.
Partnership FAQ’s
Q: What is partnership?
Paul wrote to the Christians at Philippi, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Their financial support enabled Paul to preach the gospel and help pastors full-time.
Your generosity does the same for our ministry. Our friends and partners give us the freedom to throw all of their energies and efforts into ministry.
But partnership is a two-way exchange. Blaine and Lori want to pour into your life as well. They will communicate with you regularly, pray for your specific needs, as you share them, and at the end of each year, they will send you a special gift of gratitude for your support.
Q: Are there different levels?
Yes, there are three levels — Movers, Shakers and Mischief Makers. This simply provides you with the opportunity to partner with us at an amount that works best for you.
Q: How long is my monthly commitment?
The length of your commitment is completely in your hands. We hope you will walk with us for a good season of time, but we understand financial situations can change for all of us.
Q: How will my support help?
This question is critical. Not one dollar that comes into this ministry outreach from our partners is used towards Blaine’s salary. Every dollar of your monthly gift will be used for current and future ministry projects. This includes the production costs of resources for men struggling with addiction, new books and broadcasting, pro-bono retreats for pastors, and a new residential healing center on the horizon.
Q: Do you provide financial disclosure?
Absolutely. Our partners receive private financial and ministry updates throughout the year from Blaine and Lori. Additionally, a year-end report is provided to all of our friends who make this ministry possible.
Q: Does Blaine receive a salary for his work?
Blaine’s annual compensation, including his housing allowance is $36,000. He does not personally keep any speaking honorariums or books sales. Currently, two-thirds of his salary is provided for some of our cherished ministry friends, who designate this funding to Blaine and Lori. Lori’s work as the CEO of her dental office helps subsidize their income.
Q: Can I give by check monthly?
Of course. While we provide automated giving by card below, you are welcome to send your monthly support by check to our non-profit: Resurrection Tulsa, 1816 E. Laredo Street, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, 74012.

Choose your Partnership Level.
Be a Mover.
Join our mission at $29 month and you will receive:
Blaine’s weekly Live Free Email
Blaine’s powerful new book, Death by a Thousand Lies
Blaine’s monthly Partnership Communique’
Be a Shaker.
Join our mission at $49 month and you will receive:
Blaine’s weekly Live Free Email
Blaine’s powerful new book, Death by a Thousand Lies
Blaine’s personally curated Coffee Mug
Blaine’s monthly Partnership Communique’
Be a Mischief Maker.
Join our mission at $99 month or more and you will receive:
Blaine’s weekly Live Free Email
Blaine’s powerful new book, Death by a Thousand Lies
Blaine’s personally curated Coffee Mug
Blaine’s monthly Partnership Communique’
Complimentary Annual Life Coaching Session with Blaine

Make a one time contribution.
We thank you.
Your prayers and partnership mean the world to us. Thank you from the depths of our hearts!
Blaine and Lori
Contact us or give by check.
Blaine and Lori would love to hear from you. Their contact information and mailing address is below.
PO Box 285, Wagoner, Oklahoma 74477
(Please make all checks out to Resurrection Tulsa. Thank you!)